The Technoskeptic Magazine
Technoskeptic Podcast
Narayan Liebenson

Narayan Liebenson

On the antidote for techno-fueled distraction and anxiety

Narayan Liebenson, a guiding teacher at the Cambridge Insight Meditation Center in Cambridge, Massachusetts, speaks to Mo Lotman about the benefits of mindfulness and attention.

We’ve suspected for years that technology fragments attention to the detriment of our peace of mind and mental health. But is the mindfulness championed so thoughtfully by Liebenson mere mystical woo-woo, or a serious remedy?

The neuroscience is in, and the answer is yes. Meditation quiets the posterior cingulate cortex, where many of our distracted thoughts, ruminations, and cravings live.

The Technoskeptic Magazine
Technoskeptic Podcast
The Technoskeptic examines the use and misuse of technology and technology's long-term effects on culture and society.